Marked 2.2
Brett Terpstra has released Marked 2.2, calling it a “pretty big update” on his blog (for our review, see “Marked 2: A Must-Have for Markdown Writers,” 1 November 2013). In addition to stability, speed, and rendering fixes, notable changes to the Markdown previewer include the capability to create blank new files and open them in your editor, separate word counts/stats for different panels of the CriticMarkup preview, and the capability to quickly locate and edit nested files within a multi-file document (Terpstra promises to explain and demonstrate this final feature in screencast
soon). Other changes include an update to version 4.4 of MultiMarkdown, tweaks to memory management, a fix for a bug where renaming or moving a file would result in a File Type Fail, and a fix for a crash that occurred when canceling a word repetition processing session. Terpstra has also created a Github repository for sharing custom Marked styles, and he explains how to create and use styles on his blog. ($11.99 new, free update, 16.2 MB)