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MarsEdit 4.1.1

Red Sweater Software has released MarsEdit 4.1 with several improvements for how the blog editor works with media. The update provides new options for image metadata to preserve, remove, or remove only location-specific GPS data; adds support for dragging in images from the Photos app; enables color profiles to be either preserved or converted to sRGB automatically; and improves performance for users with large numbers of previously uploaded images. It also fixes a bug that caused a featured image to be removed from posts when a preview filter was applied, resolved an issue that caused some CMYK profile images not to be rotated as expected, and corrected a problem that caused “more” tags and other comments to be stripped from posts.

Shortly after this release, version 4.1.1 was issued to fix a couple of crashes and resolve an issue that prevented the Preserve All metadata option from staying selected on a blog. ($49.95 new from Red Sweater Software or the Mac App Store, $24.95 upgrade, 14.7 MB, release notes, macOS 10.12+)

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