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MarsEdit 4.5.1

Red Sweater Software released MarsEdit 4.5 with several WordPress-specific improvements and bug fixes. The blog editor now syncs existing WordPress media items and makes them available in the Published tab of the Media Manager, enables you to drag from Media Manager to WordPress Featured Image either as a new image or reusing an existing published image, fixes a bug that caused some images dragged from the Media Manager to get long alphanumeric names, resolves an issue that prevented some images from being resized correctly on M1-based Macs, and improves the reliability of preview template downloading for Shortly after this release, Red Sweater issued version 4.5.1 to address a crashing bug that could occur when navigating the main menu bar. ($49.95 new from Red Sweater Software or the Mac App Store, 20.6 MB, release notes, macOS 10.12+)

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Comments About MarsEdit 4.5.1

Notable Replies

  1. I have yet been unable to figure out how to access the WordPress previously published media library. Does it work with self-hosted WP installations?

  2. Hi @seth - it does (should!) work with self-hosted blogs. After you refresh the blog in MarsEdit you should see all the previously published items from your WordPress media library in the MarsEdit Media Manager, under the “Published” tab. If it isn’t working please drop me a line [email protected] - thanks!

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