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Microsoft Office for Mac 16.18

Microsoft has released version 16.18 of Office for Mac—now officially called Office 2019 for Mac for the standalone release (Office 365 remains the name for the subscription option). When you insert an image, both Word and PowerPoint now suggest captions that can be read by people with vision impairments, and PowerPoint adds animation triggers that enable you to start an animation effect when you click on a shape or object. Excel gets a new Ideas button that looks for patterns in your data and returns interesting visuals about them in a task pane, and it also gains an improved AutoComplete menu that lets you choose from argument options. ($149.99 for one-time purchase, $99.99/$69.99 annual subscription options, free update through Microsoft AutoUpdate, release notes, macOS 10.10+)

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Comments About Microsoft Office for Mac 16.18

Notable Replies

  1. Will it leave inserted images at their original resolution, or decrease them to 72dpi like the present purchased Word for Mac 16.16.3?

  2. Interesting bug! I’ll have to check this when I get home from a conference.

  3. I don’t think it’s a bug or even an “undocumented feature”. To date, if you want your images to remain at the original resolution, you have to buy an new computer and get Word for Microsoft, or buy the monthly-payment version of Word for Mac. If this new Office for Mac has what I want, I’ll buy it. If not, I’ll stick with what I have and try to find a open source WP program to re-paste all my 100+ photos into my manuscript.

    Thanks for your help with this.

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