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Microsoft Office for Mac 16.58

Microsoft has released version 16.58 of Office for Mac, focusing on Excel enhancements. The update improves the capability of adding, editing, and deleting items in the Name Manager (the dialog containing all defined names and table names in a workbook); adds support for the lambda function (which enables you to take a formula and turn it into your own named custom function); brings seven new helper lambda functions; and aligns the Paste Recovery menu with the interface found in Windows. Outlook also receives updates to its search query field, adding Best Match, File Suggestion Entities, Calendar Entities, and Mail Suggestion Entities. ($149.99 for a one-time purchase, $99.99/$69.99 annual subscription options, free update through Microsoft AutoUpdate, release notes, macOS 10.14+)

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Comments About Microsoft Office for Mac 16.58

Notable Replies

  1. Please bring back Word 5.1a, or put an emulation of it in Word 16.58. Version 5.1a was the best Word ever devised; it did everything well.

  2. Back in the days when Adam used to release a special unannounced and unmarked April 1st special edition of TidBits, I got totally pranked when he reported that Microsoft announced that it would be reissuing a Mac version of Word 5.1. I was so happy to hear the news that I emailed the news to everyone on the office I was working in, as well as friends and family, and they all were just as happy as I was.

  3. Even that joke is 19 years old. :slight_smile:

    And a subsequent Word 5.1 joke about it coming to the iPad is 11 years old.

    At this point, I think it’s safe to say that the only way you’ll ever be able to use Word 5.1 again is on hardware of the era or in an emulator. Sorry!

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