Nisus Writer Pro 2.1.1
Nisus Software has issued Nisus Writer Pro 2.1.1, a maintenance update that addresses several issues that were discovered after the previous version was released (see “Nisus Writer Pro 2.1,” 17 March 2015). The update improves stability by fixing several crashes and hangs (such as when using a document window’s popover, deleting styles in the stylesheet, balancing text in a multi-column section, and more), ensures that the Ignore Rich Text Commands option works correctly, adds the capability to permanently grant macros automatic access to files and folders (using Macro > Application > Manage Macro File Access), and fixes an issue with mail-merging
CSV files containing double quotes. Additionally, receipts from the Mac App Store can be used to license Nisus Writer Pro downloaded from the Nisus Software Web site. The Mac App Store edition of Nisus Writer Pro remains stalled at version 2.0.7. ($79 new, free update, 242 MB, release notes, 10.7.5+)