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OmniFocus 4.3

The Omni Group has issued OmniFocus 4.3, introducing support for device Focus Filters and a new Favorite Perspective shortcut. You can now configure Focus Filters for OmniFocus to limit which folders are visible when Focus mode is enabled, enabling you to automatically filter out any OmniFocus content that is not relevant to the current Focus. With the added Set/Remove Favorite Perspective shortcut, you can change your favorite perspectives based on your device focus or by using a Siri command.

The release also improves the overall stability/reliability of outline order when editing, assigns the correct tag when adding an action to a custom perspective, fixes a bug that could cause manually sorted custom perspectives to temporarily reorder after assigning a tag, improves flexible Forecast order logic, and resolves an issue that could cause Inbox items to reorder unexpectedly. ($74.99 new for Standard, $149.99 for Pro, or $9.99 monthly subscription, 50% discount on upgrades, free update from version 4, 31.5 MB, release notes, macOS 13+)

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