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OmniOutliner Essentials and Pro 5.5.1

The Omni Group released version 5.5 of OmniOutliner Essentials and OmniOutliner Pro earlier in November with improved compatibility with macOS 10.15 Catalina, adding the capability to add a link to a text selection and requiring 10.14 Mojave or later. The outlining and information organization app also now generates thumbnail previews for .ooutline and .otemplate files, improves Omni Automation with added support for input dialogs and file output, and makes several improvements to the user interface. The Omni Group recently posted version 5.5.1 to address how LinkBack data is stored to avoid corruption on save when running Catalina, though it does not fix files already corrupted by the bug. For assistance recovering corrupted files, contact the Omni Group support team. ($9.99 new for Essentials, $59.99 for Pro, 40.0 MB, release notes, macOS 10.14+)

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