Pages 10.3.5, Numbers 10.3.5, and Keynote 10.3.5
Apple has updated all three of its iWork apps to version 10.3.5, bringing compatibility with macOS 11 Big Sur and a refreshed design to match the new operating system’s look and feel. Aside from shiny new icons, the only other changes mentioned in Apple’s release notes are the standard “stability and performance improvements.” (Free; Pages, 289.3 MB, release notes; Numbers, 255.8 MB, release notes; Keynote, 342.8 MB, release notes; macOS 10.15+)
The new Apple icons look great when viewed in giant size, but as small icons in my dock they have lost all the essential distinctiveness that the old ones had. Why did Apple do that? I think it’s a terrible design decision. So I put the old icons back. Let’s see how long they last before the new ones get locked like the Photos and Disk Utility icons…
Keynote: still no live sound channel so I can present live on-line. I’m still hoping…
Any news on what this latest Keynote update (10.3.8) is supposed to fix?