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Pages 11.0, Numbers 11.0, and Keynote 11.0

For when your documents need just a little more oomph, Apple has taken all three of its iWork apps to 11, introducing a new media browser with enhanced search options and new content categories such as Recents, Portraits, and Live Photos. All three apps enable you to add phone number links to table cells, text objects, and shapes, and make it so you can use AppleScript to change a document password or open a password-protected document. (It’s nice to see marquee Apple apps getting better AppleScript support!) Even better, Keynote now displays presenter controls in a separate window (providing a more focused view of presenter notes and the current and next slides; this feature is popular among those in TidBITS Talk), and thumbnail images in the Build Order window make it easier to edit complex sequences.  (Free; Pages, 292.3 MB, release notes; Numbers, 255.8 MB, release notes; Keynote, 345.8 MB, release notes; macOS 10.15+)

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Comments About Pages 11.0, Numbers 11.0, and Keynote 11.0

Notable Replies

  1. I looked at the release notes but could not find the answer to my question. Will Numbers 6.1 (on MacBook running macOS 10.14.6 Mojave, if it matters) open a spreadsheet saved by Numbers 11.0 (on a MacBook Air M1 running macOS 11.2.3, if it matters)? Where should I have looked to find the answer? Thanks.

  2. The v10.x versions of Pages, Numbers, Keynote can’t use the Collaborate function anymore when running under Mojave 10.14.x. If you try, you get a message telling you to upgrade to the latest version( i.e. v 11). This however requires at least macOS 10.15 Catalina.
    Apple says I can use the browser based versions of Pages, Numbers, Keynote. This works, but is a right old hassle, because they can’t use local folders, only docs that are stored in iCloud. To upgrade the entire macOS just for ONE app to use ONE specific function a bit much. Stability is so much more important than featureitis, the constant killer argument for better security, or just the fact that it’s new.

    Not impressed about this one. Admittedly, I didn’t use it very often but still find it mildly annoying.

  3. With this update, it appears Apple has finally fixed the GarageBand issue as well. Under Catalina, GarageBand no longer is displaying an update in the App Store Updates section (complete with notifications and badging) that cannot be installed on Catalina and earlier systems. It was inexplicable why it was being offered, and maddening that it could not be removed.

    One less thing to worry about…

  4. Apparently, not for everybody. I’m still seeing it.

  5. I’m not sure, but I don’t think that is what I was asking about. I’m interested in having one person (me) work on a Numbers spreadsheet on one device at a time, so my question is simply whether the file format has changed. Right now, I use an iPad Air2 and a MacBook, and it works. If I start using the MacBook Air, will I make the spreadsheet unusable on the MacBook?

    A rudimentary test suggested that Numbers 10.3.5 on the MBA was compatible with my work process, but I’m worried that Numbers 11 will break it.

  6. [sigh]
    Now I’m wondering if it will reappear at some point. Hideous, unupdatable beast…

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