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Pages 6.3, Numbers 4.3, and Keynote 7.3 for Mac

Apple has released updates to its trio of iWork apps for the Mac — Pages 6.3, Numbers 4.3, and Keynote 7.3 — with the standard unspecified performance and stability improvements for all three apps. Pages adds the capability to drag and drop rows in tables that span multiple pages and also improves its PDF export so a document’s table of contents can be viewed in the sidebar in Preview and other PDF apps. Keynote adds a new feature for filtering the object list by typing object names into a search field. Numbers is the odd app out with no
additional noted changes. (Free for all apps; Pages, 236 MB, release notes; Numbers, 176 MB, release notes; Keynote, 474 MB, release notes; all three require 10.12+)

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