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Panorama X 10.1

ProVUE Development has released Panorama X 10.1, a major release for the RAM-based relational database with a long list of changes (see “Panorama X Brings the Legendary Mac Database Back to the Future,” 3 November 2017). Additions include the dynamic Summary Workshop wizard that aids in quick summarizing, analysis, and charting of large amounts of data; Summary Tables that can be reconfigured on-the-fly independently of the main database; and the two-dimensional Crosstab Workshop wizard for displaying data such as spending by vendor versus quarter.

The release also gains interactive charts that display labels when you hover over them, a new dialog in the Construct Menu to assist with building custom reports with tiles, and printed reports with expandable text objects. Additionally, Panorama X 10.1 fixes some printing bugs, updates multiple text editor/display objects on a form when data changes, and resolves a bug that could cause the loss of permanent variable values.

Using a credit system, Panorama X is priced at $15 for one credit covering a month of use. An annual subscription of 12 credits costs $100, which works out to $8.33 per month. ($100 new, free update, 45.3 MB, release notes, macOS 10.9+)

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