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Parallels Desktop 19.4

Parallels has updated Parallels Desktop for Mac to version 19.4, adding an operating system badge to app icons in macOS Spotlight search results to make it easier to determine which app you are about to launch. The release also corrects an issue that caused USB devices to show up incorrectly in virtual machines when connected to USB 2.0 ports, redesigns shared Mac folders using symlinks, fixes a bug that triggered a Windows crash when installing LabVIEW in Windows 11 virtual machines running on Apple silicon Macs, and fixes a bug that caused right-click contextual menus to disappear in Coherence view mode for apps like Delphi IDE and Solidworks. ($99.99 for Standard Edition, $119.99 annual subscription for Pro Edition, $149.99 annual subscription for Business Edition, free updates for version 19 licenses, release notes, macOS 10.14.6+)

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