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Pixelmator Pro 2.3.4

The Pixelmator Team released Pixelmator Pro 2.3.4 with added support for Motion files and improved support for SVG files. The update brings support for complex shapes using vector masks (important for displaying more complex illustrations in Motion), image layers and masks, drop shadows, and text on a path. For SVG files, the image editing app now supports certain SVG filters and effects (including Gaussian blurs, drop shadows, and inner shadows), adds support for blending modes. The release also resolves a crash that occurred when closing documents and enables you to use Shortcuts actions in macOS 12 Monterey to convert files to the Motion format. ($39.99 new from Pixelmator and the Mac App Store, free update, 433.1 MB, release notes, macOS 10.15+)

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Comments About Pixelmator Pro 2.3.4

Notable Replies

  1. The latest video from Ripple Training covers this, very useful feature

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