Pixelmator Pro 3.0.1
The Pixelmator Team has issued Pixelmator Pro 3.0.1, a maintenance update that improves the design templates introduced in its recent major upgrade. The release improves Document Colors, clipping mask colors, and opening performance of templates; enables you to replace images in templates by dropping an image onto the Image Placeholder in the Layers sidebar; and adds the Command-Option-P keyboard shortcut to open the list of image size presets. The image editor also improves SVG and PSD file handling with better font handling, text positioning, and multiple effect support; fixes compatibility issues with Sketchbook documents that would prevent PXD files from opening in Pixelmator Pro; and resolves an issue where the insertion point wouldn’t appear in text layers rotated 90 degrees. ($39.99 new from Pixelmator and the Mac App Store, free update, 516 MB, release notes, macOS 11+)
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