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Pixelmator Pro 3.6

The Pixelmator Team has released Pixelmator Pro 3.6 with numerous masking enhancements for the image editor. The update introduces a new masking framework that enables you to add masks by simply double-clicking a layer or selection, lets you hide the background of a subject with a precise background mask using the AI-powered Hide Background feature, improves the speed and flexibility of working with vector masks to hide or reveal layers using vector shapes, and provides seamless switching between bitmap and vector mask editing modes. Pixelmator Pro 3.6 also enables you to add multiple masks to a single layer and combine them to create complex multi-shape masks, use new Paint and Erase brushes to edit bitmap masks, and control how masks appear together by combining, subtracting, or intersecting them using mask blend modes. ($49.99 new from Pixelmator and the Mac App Store, free update, 694.2 MB, release notes, macOS 12+)

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