Quicken 2016 for Mac 3.2.1
Intuit has released Quicken 2016 for Mac 3.2.1 (a top vote-getter in our recent poll, “Your Favorite Mac Personal Finance Apps,” 29 February 2016) with a number of bug fixes. The update fixes a problem with transfer transactions in the Windows Converter (as well as adds the capability to convert very old Quicken Windows files), improves the Online Transfer process to allow credit card payments to properly display as transfers from banking to credit card, makes a calculation correction to adjust bond face values to align with Quicken Windows, improves hotkey support for Dates, fixes a crash that occurred when running background tasks, and fixes a
bug that prevented Reprint Checks from actually printing the checks. ($74.99 new, free update, release notes, 10.10+)
I have the following questions:
1. Do we get a discount for TidBITS members?
2. Is the data that we enter in the software stored locally or in the cloud?
3. Can brokerage statements from brokers like Schwab be imported into this software?
I don't use Quicken, so I can't answer the second two questions with personal experience (though I expect that the answers are "locally" and "yes" - contact Quicken for details), but no, there's no discount on Quicken for TidBITS members. Intuit was way too large of a company to be open to such a thing, and there's no telling what Quicken will be like from a business perspective now that it has been acquired by H.I.G. Capital.
Got it. Just one more thing. If I want to maintain accounts for myself and another family member, do I have to buy the software twice? In other words, how many entities does one purchase support? The Quicken community doesn't seem to understand my question, hence I posted it here
You don't need to buy the software twice. You'll just have two separate (non-connected) files of the two accounts.
Got it. Thanks.
#2. Where you want to store the data is up to you. You can store it locally, or you can store the data file in a cloud service such as Dropbox.
Thanks. That was really helpful.
FYI… Since installing this update I have been unable to download transactions from my bank. Transactions from other accounts still download, so I'm not sure if the problem results from the update or if the breakage is some other problem that arose coincidentally with the update.
Re the ability to import/convert "very old Windows Quicken files" -- just how old is "very old"? Any hope for Quicken 2001 QIF files?