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RapidWeaver 8.0

Realmac Software has released RapidWeaver 8.0, a major upgrade to the Web design and publishing software. In addition to receiving a cleaner, more refined user interface and a new app icon, RapidWeaver 8.0 also gains a responsive Device Preview feature that enables you to view your site on a variety of devices, five new responsive themes, an updated Resources Manager with support for searching Unsplash for free stock photos, and a redesigned Snippets Window with support for HTML, rich text, and live search.

The release also adds support for editing .htaccess files (as well as tracking changes and reverting to previous versions), provides user interface state restoration on a per-project basis, improves handling of changed files when publishing, correctly displays customized blog dates, and enables you to export and compress the add-ons folder for easier backups. RapidWeaver 8.0 is also fully GDPR-compliant.

RapidWeaver costs $89 for new licenses, and an upgrade from version 7 is $69. Special launch pricing of $79 for a new license and $59 for an upgrade is available through 28 August 2018. ($89 new, $69 upgrade, 76.7 MB, release notes, macOS 10.11+)

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  1. And an instant purchase. I love RW.

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