Retrobatch 2.0
Flying Meat has released Retrobatch 2.0, a bulk image processing utility previously covered by Adam Engst in “The 46 Mac Apps I Actually Use and Why” (19 April 2023). The upgraded app adds several new nodes, including a Super Resolution node that uses machine learning to scale an image up to 4x, a Photos Export node that can download from iCloud as well as export unmodified originals from Photos, a Get Selected Finder Images node (not available in App Store version), and a GPS node.
Retrobatch 2 comes in standard and Pro editions, with the latter including more nodes (such as AppleScript, PDF Image Extractor, and PSD Maker). Retrobatch Pro 2 adds an Image Diff node that computes the difference in colors between every other image, an Extract Text node that scans your images for text and writes it out to a file, and a Clipboard Watcher that monitors the clipboard and automatically runs a workflow when a new image is copied to it.
Both editions of Retrobatch also enhance the preview window with a list of selected nodes on the left and a larger preview of the images you’re processing on the right, add support for Shortcuts, add support for reading SVG files (requires macOS 13 Ventura or later), add an option to exclude the shadow from windows in the Windows & Screenshots node, and add an option to use a corner radius with the Border node. The standard edition of Retrobatch 2 costs $29.99, and the Pro edition costs $49.99. You can upgrade a previous Retrobatch Pro license to version 2 for $24.99. ($29.99/$49.99 new with a 20% discount on new purchases for TidBITS members, free update, 51.2 MB, release notes, macOS 12+)
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