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Retrobatch 2.1

Flying Meat has released Retrobatch 2.1, bringing a new Lookup Table (LUT) node to the bulk image processing utility to alter the color and tone of images. You can use one of Retrobatch’s LUT presets, download additional LUTs, and adjust the opacity and blending mode of the LUT. The update adds a Tile Chop node that splits an image into multiple images based on a provided width and height, and a Camera Capture node that uses your Mac’s built-in camera to take a photo (Retrobatch Pro only). Other improvements include an option to Photos Export to export the Current, Unadjusted, or Original versions of your Photos Library images; an Auto Process option in the RAW Import node; and support for images with transparency to the Super Resolution node. Finally, the update addresses a problem with the RAW Import node where images were rendered much too dark and fixes an issue that caused the Multi-Scale node to give incorrect dimensions for the image width and height filename tokens. Retrobatch 2 comes in standard and Pro editions, with the latter including more nodes, such as AppleScript, PDF Image Extractor, and PSD Maker. ($29.99/$49.99 new with a 20% discount on new purchases for TidBITS members, free update, 54.8 MB, release notes, macOS 12+)

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Comments About Retrobatch 2.1

Notable Replies

  1. Years ago, I used the batch image processing feature in Photoshop, and I have kept my eye open for a replacement. I am excited about Retrobatch. I am just scratching the surface but so far, it has done the job.

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