Apple has released Safari 9.0.1 for OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 and Yosemite 10.10.5, as well as El Capitan 10.11. The update includes patches for vulnerabilities associated with multiple memory corruption issues in WebKit, which could lead to arbitrary code execution by a malicious Web site. Safari 9.0 is available only via Software Update. (Free, 85.4 MB, 10.9+)
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Since installing 9.01, Safari keeps crashing. It is quite consistent when I go to a Google search page. Any one with similar issues?
YES. Completely unresponsive, then crashes. Happens repeatedly, but doesn't matter what sort of page I'm on. It'll work for awhile, then becomes unresponsive, and I'll have to restart Safari. Anyone with an answer?
Happening frequently. Solutions on mac website have not fixed the problem. No extensions and no plug-ins on my machine. Very concerned that my favorite OS has taken a turn for the worse.