Scrivener 3.3.6
Literature & Latte has released Scrivener 3.3.6, restoring several features to the long-form writing tool that were temporarily removed to work around crashes. The update restores the PDF/X-1a option for PDF export and reinstates the Auto-Completion settings from version 3.3.3 and earlier. Scrivener 3.3.6 also fixes a bug introduced in version 3.3.5 that caused only the first footnote on each page to be included when printing, resolves an issue that prevented Style To in the script settings from working correctly, and removed the Reduce File Size options for PDF files from Compile because they no longer work with recent versions of macOS. ($49 new, free update, 113.8 MB, release notes, macOS 10.13+)
My wife settled on Scrivener for her research and a major writing project. Very interesting organizer for documents, links and writing. It leaves everything the way you left it on last close (windows, open docs, etc.) I also appreciate that they still support macOS 10.13+, something Apple and others are making very difficult these days.