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SEE Finance 2.2.2

Scimonoce Software has released SEE Finance 2.2.2, improving compatibility with macOS 12 Monterey and adding support for several more cryptocurrencies. The personal finance app adjusts how OFX Direct Connect downloads are formatted to use line breaks by default, updates the user agent for OFX Direct Connect downloads, fixes a bug where files stored on iCloud might not refresh to show changes from another device, resolves an issue that prevented the proper budgeted amounts from showing when being viewed as Year to Date, fixes a bug that prevented the app from automatically calculating aspects of investment transactions, and addresses a problem that could incorrectly set balances to negative amounts when using IDR currency. Normally priced at $49.99, SEE Finance is on sale for a limited time for $39.99 from the Mac App Store. ($49.99 new, free update, 53.4 MB, release notes, macOS 10.12+)

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Comments About SEE Finance 2.2.2

Notable Replies

  1. I bought SEE Finance early this year, after their last update. I found support to be pretty good, emails were always responded to quickly. It is the best replacement to Quicken that I found over the years. But a few weeks ago my downloads from Chase started to fail with an unknown error code. There was a fix to get Chase working initially, and that is not happening now. I reached out to support and haven’t heard back. I see they responded to a review back in September. Wondering if anyone has info or a workaround for Chase besides downloading and importing manually.


  2. Just checking: the most current version is 2.2.3 I believe: is that the version you’re currently running? (I don’t use Chase so can’t comment on that).

  3. I do, I had gotten it right around that time. Thanks for checking though.

    Initially Chase was a little difficult to setup, it would throw and error in SEE and I’d have to go to my Chase messages to authenticate it.

    This time it’s saying a server with the specified hostname could not be found so it’s something internal to the program.

    And I’m more concerned with the disappearance of support.


  4. It is happening in MoneyDance as well. I think it’s something that Chase has done, not a problem with SEE.

    If you go to Chase’s web site, and search for how to connect to personal finance management software, they say to click on the person icon, choose profile & settings, and then click on “AccountSafe” in the left column. When you do this there is no “AccountSafe” in the left hand column anymore.

    At this point I am just downloading a QFX file and importing.

    Discover card is even worse - not only have they stopped allowing connection to personal finance software, they no longer allow OFX or QFX file downloads - it’s only a PDF file, Excel spreadsheet, or CSV file now.

  5. Moneydance explained what is going on with many financial institutions in a blog post last year.

    Read the section entitled 'The State of Online Banking" for a discussion of why it has become difficult for independent software to download transactions from financial institutions directly. Moneydance’s solution was to work with an intermediary to handle the messy details (and charge the users who want to use this service a modest monthly fee). For myself, I have avoided having my financial software directly download the data; I download the it from the bank’s website and then import it into my account database using the software.

  6. Doug and Alan, thanks for the responses! I assumed it was something Chase did but also assumed it was fixable on the program side. Maybe not based on your info. One of the reasons I upgraded from Quicken (which I’d been using since the beginning of time so not an easy thing to do!) was for easier downloads. I already have to manually import my credit union and Synchrony card. Chase was one of the ones that always seemed to work.

    I’m am concerned about no contact from support as it was very quick when I was asking pre-purchase questions.

    Lack up updates doesn’t concern me as much, I don’t need something fancy but I do want it to work well. SEE does need better reports IMO.


  7. I have contacted Discover about their change and they confirmed that it was a deliberate decision. Intuit won’t allow them to use QFX anymore (it is a licensed format from Intuit) and they can only offer Quicken Web Express Connect. Of course they could still offer OFX, since it isn’t licensed. At least Chase still has QFX. I have other choices for credit cards, so I’ll likely stop using Discover now. But the writing is on the wall, I guess; I’m sure Discover won’t be the last financial firm to do this.

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