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SoundSource 4.1

Rogue Amoeba has released SoundSource 4.1, a maintenance update to the company’s recently refreshed sound utility (see “SoundSource 4.0.1,” 29 March 2019). The release brings several enhancements, including support for Dark mode in macOS 10.14 Mojave, full Undo support, and improvements to adjusting audio from the Finder as well as macOS’s Text to Speech functionality. SoundSource 4.1 also addresses a couple of critical bugs, including several that could cause SoundSource to hang or crash, one where SoundSource’s backend could lock up due to rapid sample rate changes, and another that caused redirecting audio to Bluetooth devices to be unreliable.

Other changes include an update to the Audio Capture Engine backend to version 10.1, a dimming of SoundSource’s main window when it’s in the background for better clarity, and improved tracking of USB audio devices across ports. ($29 new with a 20% discount for TidBITS members, $19 upgrade, free update, 13.7 MB, release notes, macOS 10.11+)

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Comments About SoundSource 4.1

Notable Replies

  1. This is a bit of a curveball as I don’t have a license for SoundSource; just a brief trial experience with v4.1 during which I compared it to Boom3D for which I do have a license. My trial was to compare sound of a music video on youtube while selecting numerous settings in SoundSource’s Equalizer to the sound of the same music video in Boom3D. I thought the sound in Boom3D to be much fuller and more pleasing to my ear(s). Just my opinion and wondering if others have compared? Maybe I’m missing something?

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