SpamSieve 2.9.42
C-Command Software has released SpamSieve 2.9.42, which now runs natively on M1-based Macs. The spam-filtering utility works around a macOS bug that could block communication between Mail or Outlook and SpamSieve on M1-based Macs, attempts to detect if Mail will incorrectly report an “Incompatible Plug-ins Disabled” error in macOS 11 Big Sur, improves the installer and diagnostic report to better work around problems with Mail’s plug-ins folder in Big Sur, and switches to maintaining its own error log files so you can still access information for troubleshooting when the macOS system log isn’t working properly. ($30 new with a 20% discount for TidBITS members, free update, 19.5 MB, release notes, macOS 10.9+)
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