SpamSieve 2.9.9
C-Command Software has updated SpamSieve to version 2.9.9 with added compatibility for the golden master of OS X 10.9 Mavericks, which was recently released to developers and will ultimately be the build that gets released to the public. C-Command recommends that you update to SpamSieve 2.9.9 before installing Mavericks, but if OS X 10.9 is already installed then you should choose SpamSieve > Install Apple Mail Plug-In. The update also adds a Apple Mail — Server Junk Mailbox script, fixes some problems where the Open Window command in Apple Mail wasn’t available, adds the capability to repair ownership and permissions of SpamSieve and Apple Mail preferences, and makes improvements to
SpamSieve’s filtering accuracy. ($30 new with a 20 percent discount for TidBITS members, free update, 10.8 MB, release notes)