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SpamSieve 3.0.4

C-Command Software has published SpamSieve 3.0.4, which enables you to use the Message submenu commands within the SpamSieve menu bar icon to train SpamSieve from Apple’s Mail or Outlook. The spam-filtering utility enhances performance on Macs with hard drives, improves truncation of the Text to Match column in rules windows, addresses a problem where filtering or training a large batch of messages in Mail could be slow or cause SpamSieve to hang or crash, improves handling of AppleScript errors when training from Mail, fixes a bug that could cause a crash when quitting SpamSieve while a window was in the process of reloading, improves handling of non-breaking space characters within words, and updates the German localization and Settings window layout. ($39.99 new with a 20% discount for TidBITS members, $19.99 upgrade, free update, 49.5 MB, release notes, macOS 10.13+)

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