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Timing 2021.1

Daniel Alm released Timing 2021.1, adding the capability to share projects with team members and view their time entries in the Timing Web app. After setting up a team and inviting members, colleagues can record time towards the projects you shared with them. The time and productivity tracking app also improves the pixel-alignment of several icons for a crisper look, increases the Timing window’s initial size at launch, works around a rare issue that could cause intermittent “Foreign key constraint” errors when deleting projects, and resolves a sync issue related to undoing the deletion of app usage or tasks. If you have renewed your Timing license on or after 1 January 2020, Timing 2021.1 is a free update. ($42/$66/$96 annual subscriptions, free update, in Setapp, 35.6 MB, release notes, macOS 10.13+)

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