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Tinderbox 10.0

Eastgate Systems has released version 10 of its Tinderbox note-taking assistant, introducing the new dynamic Gaudí view that continuously adapts the shape and placement of each note to keep more notes in sight. You can set up the Gaudí view so related notes attract each other, enabling a new self-organizing structure. The update also provides the entire collection of the SF Symbols font as badges and lets you search for badges in the new Tinderbox Badge Picker via semantic search. Tinderbox 10 enables you to insert live checkboxes into your text, improves the Filter bar layout, enhances Actions to work better with emojis and East Asian languages, resolves a crash that could occur when exporting a note to email that had text links to other Tinderbox notes, and ensures the DEVONthink auto-fetch no longer removes $URL. Tinderbox is now priced at $289, and owners of previous licenses can upgrade to version 10 for $98. ($289 new with a 25% discount for TidBITS members, free update, 37.1 MB, release notes in Tinderbox Help, macOS 11+)

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Comments About Tinderbox 10.0

Notable Replies

  1. Are there any Tinderbox users who could give an idea of its benefits?

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