Tinderbox 6.4
Eastgate Systems has released Tinderbox 6.4 with improved integration with DEVONthink (see “DEVONthink/DEVONnote 2.8.8,” 1 December 2015). Now when notes are pasted to DEVONthink, Tinderbox $Tags are retained as DEVONthink tags, and notes remain linked. The update to Eastgate’s personal content assistant also adds a new Get Info pane with a word cloud display of the most common words in your document, adds selectable suggested values to attributes (available in pop-up menus and autocomplete), improves footnotes with the capability to create a note instantly from any word or phrase (with links to and from the new notes), and brings
integration with Delicious Library. ($249 new, free update, 49.9 MB, release notes, 10.8+)