Tinderbox 7.5
Eastgate Systems has released Tinderbox 7.5, adding a new dancing map view (View > Arrange > Dance, or Command-Shift-D) that helps to untangle dense link networks. Each link among notes in a map is treated as a spring that pulls linked notes together, and notes will exert a gravitation attraction for other notes.
The note-taking assistant and information manager also adds colorful flags to visually identify qualitative coding in the map view, uses natural language analysis to extract names, organizations, and locations from your text, and improves the Get Info panel to help you locate imprecise word choices and avoid repetition. Other changes include a new Modern maps color scheme, the capability to curve links between items, and improved text control (copy and pasting of text links, linking to specified locations in a long note, and more). ($249 new with a 25% discount for TidBITS members, 32.3 MB, release notes, macOS 10.10+)
Does anyone here use Tinderbox? Find it useful? I’ve been curious for years but never found the space to explore it. I have a huge set of databases in Devonthink Pro Office and I use iThoughtsX for mind mapping. The idea of mixing the two intrigues.