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Ulysses 35

Ulysses has issued version 35 of its eponymous writing app, adding support for inline linking and introducing full history navigation. Internal links enable you to link from anywhere in your document to any heading, plus create links inside sheets, across sheets, inside projects, and even across projects. Ulysses 35’s new history navigation feature enables you to jump back and forth between recently used sheets, navigate to the last edit, and return to an internal link. Additionally, the app adds a Go menu for quickly jumping to the Library, Inbox, and any project. Ulysses 35 also fixes restoring iCloud projects from backups, adds Dark mode to the WordPress publishing preview, corrects a bug where text would temporarily disappear when using a third-party input method, and resolves a crash when using {alignat} within an equation. ($5.99/$39.99 monthly/yearly subscription from the Mac App Store, in Setapp, free update, 40.5 MB, release notes, macOS 12+)

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