VMware Fusion 3.0.1
VMware has released a significant maintenance update to the company’s virtualization software for the Mac, VMware Fusion. Version 3.0.1 improves video and 3D performance, adds support for Ubuntu 9.10, upgrades the networking subsystem to 64-bit native, and decreases load times when resuming a suspended virtual machine. Also, over 50 bugs have been fixed, including several that reduced performance, such as a bug that made it difficult to upgrade to the latest version of VMware Tools and another that triggered excessive Spotlight searches when the Virtual Machine Library was left running in the background. Also, the update addresses incompatibilities with Zone Alarms AV and Outlook 2007
Preview mode. Full release notes are available on VMware’s Web site. Note that you can still download our “Take Control of VMware Fusion 3” ebook for free. ($79.99 new, free update from 3.0, 186 MB)
The URL in the book for the vmrunCommand.pdf is out of date, however, I was not able to find the right version of the file for VMWare 3.0
Maybe one of your contacts at VMWare can point you to the correct and current URL for us /propellerheads/ as my contact at VMWare doesn't work on Fusion or know anything about it.