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SuperCard on the Block

This week, Allegiant Technologies confirmed months of rumor by publicly announcing it is seeking a buyer for its well-regarded multimedia authoring program SuperCard. (See “Surprised by SuperCard” in TidBITS-369.) Allegiant recently updated SuperCard to version 3.0.3 for compatibility with Mac OS 8, and currently plans to sell and support SuperCard until a buyer is found (in fact, they’ve extended $69.95 holiday pricing for SuperCard 3.0 through February). Allegiant is also seeking a new home for its Flamethrower CGI engine and the scriptable Internet protocol engine Marionet, and recently spun SoundMaker back to its original publisher, MicroMat. Although Allegiant had been developing a Windows version of SuperCard, the product has faced strong competition from the popular (and cross-platform) Macromedia Director, and Allegiant’s recently-introduced Internet products have had to compete with well-established (and often free) products such as UserLand Frontier.

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