[Editor’s note: We’re including this notice on the hypertext conference not because it is big news, but because we believe that the future of information dissemination lies in electronic systems. Once information (of any sort, from TidBITS articles to baseball statistics to avant garde fiction) is stored electronically, we must have some method to organize and explore the world of our information. Despite what critics say, hypertext (in some general form) may well be the only answer to the information glut. More specifically, the top contender for hypertext information management is Ted Nelson’s Xanadu system, which is also the subject of the first TidBITS Special Issue, coming soon to the electronic newsstands of the world. In any event, if you are interested in hypertext, this the conference to attend to see the latest and greatest. We hope to be there if at all financially possible.]
Preliminary Call for Participation
Third ACM Conference on Hypertext
San Antonio, Texas, USA
December 15-18, 1991
Hypertext ’91 is an international research conference on hypertext. The ACM Hypertext Conference occurs in the United States every second year in alternation with ECHT, the European Conference on Hypertext.
Hypertext systems provide computer support for locating, gathering, annotating, and organizing information. Hypertext systems are being designed for information collections of diverse material in heterogeneous media, hence the alternate name, hypermedia.
Hypertext is by nature multi-disciplinary, involving researchers in many fields, including computer science, cognitive science, rhetoric, and education, as well as many application domains. This conference will interest a broad spectrum of professionals in these fields ranging from theoreticians through behavioral researchers to systems researchers and applications developers. The conference will offer technical events in a variety of formats as well as guest speakers and opportunities for informal special interest groups.
Suggested Formats and Topics — We are inviting you to participate in HT’91 in one of seven different areas of the technical program: papers, panels, courses, videos, technical briefings, posters, or demos. Submitters may be invited to participate in the technical program in a different category from that in which they submitted their work.
Submissions in all areas of hypertext research are encouraged. Topics of interest would include the following:
Paradigms for information access
Information design
Theories, models, and frameworks
Experimental or observational studies of use
Workplace deployment issues
Structuring hypertext documents for reading and retrieval
Underlying technologies (persistent object stores, link
services, databases, information retrieval, access control)
For More Information:
Hypertext ’91 Conference email: [email protected]
John J. Leggett, General Chair
Hypertext ’91 Conference
Hypertext Research Lab
Department of Computer Science
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843 USA
Voice: 409/845-0298
Fax: 409/847-8578
email: [email protected]
Janet H. Walker, Program Chair
Hypertext ’91 Conference
Digital Equipment Corporation
Cambridge Research Lab
One Kendall Square, Bldg 700
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Voice: 617/621-6618
Fax: 617/621-6650
email: [email protected]
Information from:
James H. Coombs — [email protected]