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Last Chance Survey

Well, this is it. This is the last week that our survey will be included in the issue. If you’ve responded already, please, we implore you, delete this item. If you’re seeing this for the first time or you haven’t yet gotten up the gumption or initiative to respond, we’d appreciate it if you did. Don’t worry about the space this is taking up since it’s been a slow week. We’re not holding out any good news to include the survey this last time. As far as we can tell at the moment, we’re looking at about a 3% return rate. That may be good by normal survey standards, but it seems a tad low to us. So be abnormal and tell us about yourself.

Send completed surveys in any form you wish to any of these addresses:

  • Internet:

[email protected]
ace%[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

  • America Online: Adam Engst
  • CompuServe:

:INTERNET:[email protected]
(or :INTERNET plus any other Internet address above)

  • GEnie:

Sorry we have no account on GEnie and are unaware of any
gateways to the Internet. You’ll have to use snail mail.

  • Snail mail:

Adam Engst
901 Dryden Rd. #88
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA

Basic Questions

  1. We’ll start with the easy ones. What is your name?

  2. They’re not getting much harder. In what town and country do you live?

  3. Another easy one. Do you read TidBITS regularly?

  4. From where do you download or otherwise acquire TidBITS?

3a. If download statistics are listed, approximately how many others download each issue of TidBITS from that source? This one’s important!

  1. Do you redistribute TidBITS to other people or online services, such as your mother or a local BBS?

4a. If you do redistribute TidBITS, approximately how many people read each issue that you redistribute? This one’s also important!

  1. Do you use TidBITS articles in user group or university (or other non-profit) publications? (You can, you know, as long as you credit us.)

  2. Have you found the TidBITS Archive useful for looking up information?

  • (For the following questions, 1 is low, 10 is high, and only integers exist)
  1. On a scale of 1-10, how knowledgeable are you as a Mac user, if a DOS user who has never seen a Mac is 0 on the scale and Andy Hertzfeld is 10?

  2. On a scale of 1-10, how knowledgeable are you as a HyperCard user/author?

  3. On a scale of 1-10, how often do you use the contact information to contact companies?

  4. On a scale of 1-10, how often do you use the references to related articles?

  5. Do you have HyperCard 2.0 yet? You’ll want to get it soon, because TidBITS will require it some time in the future. Of course at that point the distribution format will be text, so you’ll only need it for the archiving features.

Optional Questions

  1. What do you like best about TidBITS?

  2. What do you like least about TidBITS?

  3. What sort of articles would you like to see in TidBITS that are not currently present?

  4. What would make TidBITS easier to acquire and read?

  5. What other Macintosh publications (paper or electronic) do you read regularly?

  6. Are you interested in writing special issues (like the Xanadu issue, #30) or product reviews for TidBITS? If so, please contact us via email for more information. We pay only in fame, since that’s all we get.

  7. What’s your favorite color?

That’s 21 questions including the sub-questions, so we’ll stop now. Give yourself 1 point for each question answered. Scores of more than 11 win. Scores of less than 3 indicate that you probably won’t return the survey, so answer a few more questions and then send it in. At most it’s a few minutes and a stamp and we guarantee never to do telephone surveys (or to sell your name to mailing list brokers). Also, we will share the results (especially the statistical significance of question 18) in TidBITS. Thanks for the enthusiasm, it keeps us going.

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