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This is embarrassing. After I wrote a nice article about the Help! application from Teknosys, I discovered that I misspelled the company’s name consistently throughout the article. Sorry! The company in question is indeed Teknosys, not Technosys. I can’t imagine how I got Technosys out of it, but hey, we all make mistakes. Brian from Teknosys kindly listed the 800 number, so if you want to call them for more information about Help!, you can call 800/873-3494.

I’ve run across a couple of deals that people might want to look into. First, and this is definitely a good one, if you’ve been thinking about buying Timbuktu but want to see how fast it runs and how well it works with your setup, Farallon has created a fully-functional demo version that self-destructs after seven days. It’s available on America Online, AppleLink, CompuServe, and directly from Farallon. I don’t know if anyone has posted it to the Internet yet. Second, if you’re looking for a powerful multiuser relational database, you might want to consider Double Helix 3.5 in this special deal. It expires soon (I don’t know when offhand) but you can get Double Helix for $129 if you call Odesta and mention the reservation number 100307. Nowhere in the blurb did it state any limitations, but I can’t be sure they’ll take everyone. Still, it’s worth a try since $129 is less than half what Double Helix normally costs mail order. Third, DeltaPoint is offering an upgrade to DeltaGraph 1.5 from any other competing program. Until July 31st you can get DeltaGraph 1.5 for $69.95 simply by calling DeltaPoint and giving them the name of the program you currently use along with sufficient bits of plastic money. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Farallon — 800/642-2026 — 415/596-9100
Odesta — 800/323-5423 ext. 351
DeltaPoint — 800/367-4334

Information from:
Brian of Teknosys
Farallon propaganda
Odesta propaganda

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