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A few weeks ago I talked briefly about Chris Derossi’s Hierarchical Apple Menu (HAM) and some of its competitors-to-be. In the meantime I’ve heard some more information. Apparently, there’s some possibility that HAM will be built into a future version of System 7, which accounts for the fact that Chris hasn’t released it yet. No word what the interface folks at Apple will decide, but I’d like to see it sometime soon. On a related note, apparently a pre-release version of Connectix’s SuperMenu was leaked to the public. Magic Apple, as it’s called, has quickly made the rounds of the Internet, appearing in Europe as well as the US. According to author Fred Hollander, Magic Apple has some bugs and isn’t the sort of thing you want to run regularly. SuperMenu will be commercial software, included with the System 7-savvy HandOff II 2.2, so if you have a copy of Magic Apple, please delete it and wait for the stable release of SuperMenu. Fred also promises that there will be many more features in SuperMenu and HandOff II, so there will be incentive to buy the final version. Current plans call for all registered users of HandOff II to receive a free upgrade, so if you already have HandOff II, you’re all set.

If you like to have all sorts of information at hand and you have the disk space to support your habit, you might check out a FileMaker II database created by Kathryn Turpin on America Online. Kathryn collected and edited all messages (other than the obvious drivel) pertaining to System 7 that she could find on AOL from 10-May-91 to 13-Jun-91. Kathryn edited down the 7 MB of raw material to 1049 records comprising about 2.6 MB. It is stored in a self-extracting Compact Pro archive and takes about 125 minutes to download, I presume at 2400 bips. Kathryn said that she will probably continue her work collecting information on System 7 and in August will upload an update to the database covering messages after 13-Jun-91. It will include updated compatibility information and possibly even extracts from magazine articles. So if you have FileMaker II or Pro and want to collect information on System 7, here’s a good way to get started.

Connectix — 800/950-5880

Information from:
Fred Hollander — [email protected].
Michael Costello — [email protected]
Kathryn Turpin — KathrynT at AOL

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