Nisus, MacWrite II, and XTND
Povl H. Pedersen <[email protected]> writes: "You can make your copy of Nisus read MacWrite II files (I can even read DOS WordPerfect 5.0 files and a lot more). If you keep the option key pressed while selecting Open… Nisus will use the Claris XTND technology if it is installed. And the good news is that there is a XTND Developer package available at that includes XTND and filters for MacWrite and MacWrite II. It’s in the /dts/mac/tools/xtnd directory, but it’s big, about 520K. The XTND file must be in a folder named ‘Claris’ inside the System Folder, and all translators goes into the ‘Claris Translators’ folder inside the ‘Claris’ folder." [This trick works in 3.06; I can’t comment on previous versions. I think more translators are available from third parties like DataViz.]