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BBS In A Box, IV

I’ve been a slug about checking this CD out personally because I don’t have access to a CD-ROM drive, but I hear from Michael Bean of the Arizona Macintosh Users Group (AMUG) that they have a new version of the BBS In A Box CD-ROM. It’s up to volume IV, and has the latest (as of December 1991) and greatest public domain and shareware stuff, all 1.1 gigabytes of it (after decompression). Some of the highlights include TidBITS issues (OK, so I’m biased), screen fonts for the entire Adobe font library, a special version of the DiskDoubler INIT that allows you to expand files from the Finder, a free membership in AMUG (although I don’t think you have to go to all the meetings :-)), System 7.0.1, and lots of tools for searching the contents of the CD-ROM from with numerous databases, including On Location, Panorama, Microsoft Works, and HyperCard. BBS In A Box works directly with most of the popular software for running a BBS, including Second Sight, Telefinder, Mansion, and FirstClass BBS. Normal retail is $119, but AMUG is running a special deal until the end of February in which you can get the CD for $75. Updates every six months are priced at $50, so you can easily keep the files up to date. Sounds pretty useful to me – if only I had a CD drive I’d probably be able to throw out a lot of the PD and shareware stuff that I keep on my overloaded hard drive "just in case."

Michael Bean
718 E. Campbell Ave.
Gilbert, AZ 85234 USA
[email protected]
AMUG on America Online

Information from:
AMUG propaganda

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