PowerBook 145
The latest solid rumor, oxymoronically enough, concerns the next round of PowerBooks to emerge from Cupertino. From the sounds of it, Apple will be upping the ante in the middle of the line with a PowerBook 145 that will essentially be a 170 without the active matrix screen or the FPU. The main change from the 140 is a 25 MHz 68030, although we would prefer it with the floating point unit (FPU) to bring it to full IIci/170 speed.
Apple will also drop the price to below what 140 currently goes for – rumor has it as much as 30% less. As with all of Apple’s price drops, this may not affect the street price. However it also may mean that you’ll be able to pick up a 140 at a fire sale price this fall when the 145 ships, and we have no reason to believe that it will be delayed since there’s little new functionality promised.
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