Apple Toner Recycling, Uh Huh!
Geez, talk about silly policies. It seems that at every chance Apple takes one step forward and two backward! I recently called the Apple toll free number to request 50 return labels for the Apple Toner recycling campaign. If you have a used Apple-label toner cartridge, Apple will prepay the shipping for you to return the spent toner cartridge. Apple then donates 50 cents to the National Wildlife Federation and the Nature Conservancy. Seems like a good deal, but wait, there’s more!
I asked for 50 labels since I wanted to pass them out to members of my user group at the next meeting. The pleasant fellow at the other end said he could only send me one! I said, "One. Doesn’t it make sense to send more than one, because if 50 of my members call and request labels as well, Apple wastes paper, envelopes, postage, and so on? Did I miss something here? Isn’t this suppose to help reduce waste?"
Well he asked his manager and with the executive decision in place I will receive THREE labels!
Sometimes you have to wonder what goes on in the minds of corporate America!
[Silly as this story is, we encourage you to take Apple up on this program if you would otherwise be throwing your Apple toner cartridges out. Hewlett-Packard had and probably still has a similar deal – ask your dealer for details. -Adam]
Apple Toner Recycling Program — 800/776-2333