Mark H. Anbinder passes on this tidbit. Apparently Claris has released a maintenance upgrade to MacWrite II to fix a bug that caused the program to crash when spell-checking a document under 32-bit addressing while running on systems with 16 MB of RAM or more during a full moon. The release, version 1.1v3 includes several physical changes. It comes with only two original disks, at least in part because Claris removed several of the XTND translators. MacWrite II now includes translators only for MacPaint, PICT, MacWrite 5.0, Microsoft Word 4.0, WordPerfect PC 4.2, and RTF. If you want others, you can order them for $10 from Claris Customer Relations. In addition, Claris combined several of the smaller manuals into a single User’s Guide. I presume you can get the new release directly from Claris (and hopefully for free) if you have run into this bug. Otherwise don’t bother.
Claris — 800/3-CLARIS — 408/987-7000
408/987-7440 (fax) — [email protected]
Information from:
Mark H. Anbinder — [email protected]