MacUser Oops
Normally we magazine types prefer to avoid talking about one another in print, because we know better than anybody how to write nasty letters to the editor. In this instance, though, I must set that unwritten rule aside and hope that my friends at MacUser don’t take offense. We merely want to set the record straight so PowerBook 140 users don’t have unrealistic expectations.
When MacUser wrote about the PowerBook 145 in the Oct-92 issue, they stated incorrectly that "any 140 that comes in for servicing will be repaired as a 145. So if the CPU daughterboard in your 140 fails, the resulting repair will give you a PowerBook 145."
It sounds like a great policy, but it is one that Apple unfortunately does not share. If you send in a 140 for Apple to fix, it will come back a 140, sorry. MacUser will print a correction in the December issue, which, given the fact that it’s almost the middle of October, should be out any day now.
Information from:
Mark H. Anbinder, Contributing Editor