Best Financial Reason to Attend: StuffIt Deluxe
The best deal of the show goes to Aladdin Systems for their guerilla pricing on StuffIt Deluxe and SpaceSaver (which is included with the complete StuffIt Deluxe package). Aladdin offered StuffIt Deluxe for $45 and SpaceSaver alone for $25. Although I understand that people don’t often need the full power of StuffIt because SpaceSaver can create and expand StuffIt archives, I still think the extra $20 is worth it for the full package. That one time someone gives you a file that has been tar’ed and you can’t expand it online due to disk space problems (which I always have – or you work on a CMS machine that wouldn’t know tar from feathers and wants to translate it all into EBCDIC anyway) it’s nice to have the full set of StuffIt’s translators. It’s also fun dragging things from archive to archive – an example of interface done right.
Second prize in this category goes to Teleware for dropping the price on their well-reviewed MYOB accounting program and its just-released smaller sibling, Best Books, to $19 for the show. Considering MYOB’s list price of $99, the show special went over so well that Teleware quickly ran out of packages and had to promise to ship them after the show.