APS Sponsorship
We are pleased to welcome our latest corporate sponsor, APS Technologies. APS has sold hard drives and other storage devices for years now, and has accumulated numerous commendations from industry publications for producing high-quality hardware and providing excellent technical support. In an industry where everyone uses the same mechanisms, things like cases, power supplies, cables, software, and technical support, not to mention prices, become the distinguishing factors. In recent years, APS has expanded their hardware and software offerings significantly and even has a catalog offering useful information about their products. Send them email or call to receive a copy of their catalog. In another unique move, APS’s catalog carries only products that they use and recommend, not necessarily the best-selling lemming choices whose companies paid to appear, as in most mail order catalogs. Needless to say, Nisus is included. How could I not like these folks?
I’m especially pleased to have APS sponsoring TidBITS because I’ve always felt that they made solid drives and were in general a class act. I’ve put my money where my mouth is as well, purchasing two 105 MB hard drives, a 44 MB SyQuest, a DAT drive and soon, a 1.2 GB drive. And although five drives is a small sample, I’ve seen many reports on the nets that back up my consistently good experiences. Should you not have a good experience with APS’s support, please, send them email so they can figure out what they did wrong and work to correct it.
As part of their long-term sponsorship of TidBITS, we will make APS’s price list available on our fileserver for anyone to request. "Piffle," you say. "I could look in the latest MacSolarSystem." Well, you could, but if you did, you might miss out on good deals. Companies place ads in magazines well ahead of the time the magazine appears in your hands, so the prices are often out of date. In addition, if APS has only a few of a certain drive left, they won’t include it in a magazine ad in favor of a drive that they have lots of, since there’s nothing worse than telling customers that you’re out of what they want.
The price list on our fileserver won’t suffer these problems. APS will update it frequently, so you can always get the latest and cheapest prices, since hard drive prices never go anywhere but down. In addition, if they have only a few units left of a mechanism that some manufacturer is discontinuing, they will appear clearly marked, often at a special price.
If you wish to order from APS, please use the phone numbers (toll free for the U.S., U.K., and Australia) in the price list itself and tell them about TidBITS so that they know that making the price list available via email is useful. As usual, I recommend that you shop around before making any large purchase; that was how I first settled on APS, since they were the only price competitive vendor several years ago whose salespeople could answer my questions about SCSI partitioning.
In the future we hope to provide other files from APS that will share some of the knowledge they’ve accumulated from years of helping users with hard drives. I’ll note when those files become available, and I’ll also indicate when the price list changes so you can send for the latest one if you need it. You can request APS’s price list by sending email to:
No special subject or body are necessary. Occasionally email responses bounce, and although I try to manually reroute them, sometimes there’s nothing I can do, so if you don’t get the price list within a day or so, try again from another address if possible.