Singing Macs
In honor of the Mac’s 10th birthday, Jon Kleiser <[email protected]> worked up this set of embedded speech commands (with some bits modified intentionally to sound better – hence "Mackintosh") for Apple’s Speech Manager. You must have the Speech Manager installed, and you need one of the many programs that can translate the text below into speech. I found Speaker 1.12 on my hard disk and it worked fine. You can find these on the nets as: speech-manager.hqx /speaker-112.hqx
[[rset 0]] [[pmod 0; rate 110; pbas 45]] Happy [[pbas +2]]birth[[pbas -2]]day [[pbas +5]]to [[pbas -1]]you, [[pbas -4]]Happy [[pbas +2]]birth[[pbas -2]]day [[pbas +7]]to [[pbas -2]]you, [[pbas -5]]Happy [[pbas +12]]birth[[pbas -3]]day [[pbas -4]]to [[pbas -1]]Mackin[[pbas -2]]tosh, [[pbas +8]]You are [[pbas -1]]ten [[pbas -4]]years [[pbas +2]]to[[pbas -2]]day. [[rset 0]] [[pmod 0; rate 110; pbas 45]] Happy [[pbas +2]]birth[[pbas -2]]day [[pbas +5]]to [[pbas -1]]you, [[pbas -4]]Happy [[pbas +2]]birth[[pbas -2]]day [[pbas +7]]to [[pbas -2]]you, [[pbas -5]]Happy [[pbas +12]]birth[[pbas -3]]day [[pbas -4]]to [[pbas -1]]Mackin[[pbas -2]]tosh, [[pbas +8]]I have [[pbas -1]]heard [[pbas -4]]worse [[pbas +2]]than [[pbas -2]]this.