RSI Redux
RSI Redux — A recent experience reminded me of my repetitive stress injuries. I participated in a Wired online conference on America Online, and after typing rapidly for an hour, my left hand hurt for several days, so much that I wore my wrist brace in bed for a few nights. It’s more or less back to normal now, but it was scary to fall back so quickly, and those of you experiencing problems or recovering, please, be careful. There’s a new Web page with good RSI information, along with pictures and even a few MPEG movies – perhaps this is a good time to check it out.
And of course, the RSI Newsletter continues to provide useful information each issue. To subscribe, send email to <[email protected]> with "subscribe rsi" in the body of the message.
Also, to read more about RSI, check out TidBITS-134 (carpal tunnel articles) as well as TidBITS-199 and TidBITS-200 (Handeze gloves information – APS <[email protected]> now carries them, so sizing information is in the APS catalog). [ACE]