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Updated Updater

Updated Updater — Last week Connectix released a maintenance fix for the RAM Doubler 1.5.2 update reported in TidBITS-278. Although the fix is called Updater 1.5.2a, it’s important to note the fix is for the Updater application rather than RAM Doubler itself. The current version of RAM Doubler remains at 1.5.2, and if you’ve updated to 1.5.2 successfully, you don’t need this updater.

The only difference between Updaters 1.5.2 and 1.5.2a is that the memory allocation for the application has been increased from 384K to 512K. Some machines without RAM Doubler would erroneously report a corrupted master disk when the original Updater ran. If you encountered this problem, you can grab the new Updater application, or work around the problem by increasing the Updater’s memory allocation in its Get Info window. [GD] doubler-152a-updt.hqx

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