Apple CD-ROM Software for Quad-Speed Drives
Apple CD-ROM Software for Quad-Speed Drives — Apple released version 5.1.1 of its CD-ROM software last week, primarily to support its new AppleCD 600e quad-speed CD-ROM drive. It also includes support for multisession, CD Plus, and Enhanced CD formats. Weighing in at about 600K binhexed, version 5.1.1 requires System 7.1 or later and works fine with earlier Apple CD-ROM drives. If you have problems installing this software on System 7.1 for use with an internal AppleCD 300, Apple recommends zapping your PRAM (press Command-Option-P-R when restarting your computer), then re-installing. [GD] updates/US/mac/display_periph_sw/CD-ROM_ Setup_5.1.1.hqx